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Stacie Rulison, MS, M.Ed, BCBA, LBA  

Lisa Espinoza, M.Ed., Behavior Therapist

Background & Experience in Social, Communication, Soft, and Employment Skills

Employment Supports, Job Coaching, Site/Job Development

Stacie was a previous co-founder of Simply Social, LLC in January 2017 closed in March 2020.  Simply Social offered evidence-based social, communication, and employment skills training in addition to providing individuals support in employment settings. Lisa joined Simply Social, LLC in January 2017 and worked in multiple capacities both clinically and from a business perspective. Lisa had a lead role in developing and implementing the curriculum for teens and adults with more complex intellectual needs and in developing and implementing the employment supports offering.  

Background & Experience 

  • Social, Soft, and Communication Skills. Experience in training hundreds of teens and adults individually and in groups in social, communication, and relationship skills using evidence based interventions and strategies. Training was based on the UCLA PEERS curriculum. Behavioral and cognitive methodologies were used through explicit and Socratic instruction, live and video modeling, behavior rehearsal, and continuous feedback.  Data was collected on class outcomes and knowledge gains which facilitated individualized programming.

  • Employment Readiness Training.  Experience in conducting employment skills training in key employment elements including professional and co-worker communications and teamwork; investigation of job types and careers; self-reflection of interests, passions, goals; positive attitude and flexibility; proactive problem solving; applications, resumes, cover letters; interviewing effectively; and more. All classes were facilitated through a behavioral approach using explicit instruction, live and video modeling, behavior rehearsal, and ongoing feedback.  

  • Employment Supports. Provide employer training; job coaching with individualized support and data collection; job analysis; individual employment preparation including enhancing skills for job searches, interviewing, networking, maintaining a positive attitude, appropriately dressing and communicating, problem solving, initiation and decision making, and more.

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