Evidence-based practice (EBP) strategies, interventions, assessments, and supports are proven to work and be effective for building certain skills and promoting more positive outcomes for the individual. The following are elements of the EBP model where research, the individual's values, and clinical judgement come together (see the graphic below).
Research: cites data in repeated and controlled studies in credible and peer reviewed journals; involves rigorous testing by multiple independent (external) researchers; provides evidence (or proof) based on science, data, and facts that certain approaches are more effective in teaching specific skills to individuals with certain skill challenges or disabilities.
Balance MI-Skills meets this criteria by using EBPs for teaching communication skills and employment supports including a behavior skills training model using direct and Socratic instruction, live and video modeling, rehearsal of skills, coaching feedback in the moment, and data collection and analysis; procedures including task analysis; priming; prompting (using a hierarchy of effectively fading in and out prompts); ​behavioral momentum; visual supports; shaping; reinforcement; extinction; data collection and data-based decision making; individualization of programming; cognitive approaches for anxiety reduction and increased flexibility.
Individual/Family Values: considers needs and perspectives of the individual and family and whether they can use and implement the intervention and they are willing to do the intervention.
Balance MI-Skills conducts intakes with the individual and family and assuring clear understanding of the intervention; addresses questions or concerns related to the intervention; works with participant to set goals and modifies programming to meet interests and needs of the individual.
Clinical Expertise/Experience: considers whether the intervention will work for the therapist or facilitator in the intervention setting and clinical judgement on effectiveness of intervention.
Balance MI-Skills assures facilitators and therapists meet required education, certification, licensure, and training in interventions and supports being implemented; stays current on research and practices; and has the clinical expertise to modify or withdraw treatment if out of scope of practice or client is not benefiting.
Individual & Family Preferences, Values, Perspectives
(External Scientific Evidence)
Clinical Experience & Expertise